A mother smiles at her newborn baby.
A mother smiles at her newborn baby.
A mother smiles at her newborn baby.

Bladder Exstrophy

What is Bladder Exstrophy?

膀胱和骨骨盆形成的异常. 膀胱不会形成正常的圆形,而是变平并暴露在腹壁上. The pelvic bones are also widely separated. 下尿路的其余部分也可能被压平并暴露, with abnormal formation of the prostate and penis. 这种先天性缺陷在1万到5万活产婴儿中出现. In a family with a child with exstrophy, 第二个孩子出生时患有外育症的可能性是百分之一. 如果父母患有外翻症,孩子患外翻症的几率是70分之一. 主要的基因研究目前正在约翰霍普金斯大学进行epispadias complex.  


诊断可以在分娩前仔细重复超声检查, 但通常直到婴儿出生后才会做出诊断. The finding of the exposed bladder is typical.  


在过去的15年里,外科手术的进步使阴茎和膀胱得以重建,从而使患者和家属能够维持更“正常”和功能更强的生活方式. 目前最先进的治疗外翻包括畸形的各个方面的重建.e. 闭锁膀胱,修复阴茎,防止尿漏. 这通常需要在儿童生命的不同时期分别进行手术,以获得最佳效果.

  • Initial Closure: This is usually done soon after the baby is born. At this first operation, 骨盆骨被改造成正常的环形(由儿科骨科医生), the bladder, abdominal wall, 后尿道闭合,肚脐重建. This procedure takes between 4-6 hours. Following surgery, 将婴儿置于牵引下,以防止骨盆骨分离. 婴儿会被仔细观察,可能会在重症监护病房接受头一两天的监测. 婴儿通常会在医院里待3-4周来恢复. 手术后给予抗生素以防止感染. 膀胱内的导管在手术后四周被取出. The size of the bladder gradually increases over time. 在非常特殊的情况下有一个很好的膀胱板和一个大尺寸的阴茎, 膀胱外翻闭合和尿道修复可以联合进行. 然而,这只适用于非常有经验的外翻外科医生.

  • Epispadias repair: This repair occurs around 6-12 months of age. 手术的时间和手术的范围取决于膀胱的大小和阴茎的畸形. At this stage, 扁平阴茎顶部的尿道是封闭的,并像正常阴茎一样转移到下体.

  • Continence Procedure: 此时,对尿漏的控制得到修复,然后在必要时进一步扩大膀胱. 手术的时机完全取决于膀胱的容量和孩子的情绪和发育状况. 孩子必须“想要干”,并且能够参加排尿计划.

A Remarkable Milestone

camden in a baby carrier

With his surgery in April at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, Camden Mills became the 1,500th patient treated by John Gearhart, M.D., 他和他的团队在膀胱萎缩卓越中心工作,该中心自1975年开始追踪患者.


患有膀胱外翻的儿童在与泌尿外科团队合作时面临着医学和情感上的双重挑战. 制定自制管理计划是一个持续的过程,对孩子和他们的家庭来说往往是有压力的. 排尿改善计划在膀胱颈修复前后为儿童和家庭提供一对一的帮助.

The clinic is staffed by a specially trained, multidisciplinary team including a pediatric urologist, pediatric nurse practitioner, pediatric behavioral psychologist, and pediatric clinical nurse.


膀胱颈重建手术后,我们与儿童和家庭一起使用行为矫正和肌肉再训练程序来教孩子, family, 让孩子的膀胱肌肉组织发挥最大潜能实现长期的尿失禁.

After bladder neck surgery, 每天频繁的电话咨询,直到孩子排尿顺畅,不用管.


  • bladder ultrasound

  • urine culture

  • medication management

  • biofeedback for bladder muscle retraining

  • establishment of a voiding urine

  • assessment of barrier to adherence

  • nutrition education

  • behavior therapy

  • relapse prevention recommendations



约翰霍普金斯医院的经验表明,72-75%的患者在上述阶段重建后没有尿漏. 在大多数情况下,阴茎畸形的矫正使患者和家属满意. This, however, 需要专门的强化治疗和长期随访,直到青春期和成年期.


  1. John P. Gearhart, Robert D. Jeffs: Exstrophy of the Bladder, Epispadias and other Bladder Anomalies in Campbell's Urology, Sixth Edition. Eds. Walsh PC, Retik AB, Stamey TA, Darracott Vaughan E, Jr., WB Saunders Co. Vol. 2 1772-1821. 

  2. John P. Gearhart: The bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex. In pediatric Urology. Es Gearhart JP, Rink RR, and Mouriquand P. Saunders, Philadelphia. Chapter 32, p 511-546.

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